Friday, September 12, 2008


now that i feel i legitimately own the camera the batteries have conked out...since i got it back the baterries have been malfunctioning....g*%$@rrr$#!*^rrrr!$^#@*rr

on top of that i can't go out....i will, just you park street cemetery...on an overcast early-morning newmarket...i went to sleep last night at two (though i wasn't the least bit sleepy) because i thought i should try and restore my biological clock to normal (yeah, you try staying at home for weeks without going out when you don't even feel sick/weak) since i usually don't feel sleepy before 4-4:30 in the morning...the result was that, after tossing and turning for hours, disgruntled i got up at four thirty to see the east becoming light...
got my camera (i had fully charged the batteries day before, kept them out of their chamber, and not used them)...the batteries wouldn't work...'what more is there to say'!

on a more positive note i've got The Gospel According to Jesus Christ to read now...i'd better go and start where i left off last night...oh and i've finished Name of the Rose

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