Friday, January 28, 2011

The hours for once they passed slowly, unendingly by

I like today. How lazy and slow it is. I can hear the sound of the tap running in a thin sliver in the bathroom. I like the new house (water problems notwithstanding). The orange and red curtains and the warm winter sunlight filtering through in the living room, the superfast oven (burns muffin at 150 degrees post 5 minutes), the verandah running all around, the gate at the back through which the cat slipped in to sleep inside the cardboard box.
I miss days like this. I hadn't realised that. Days where the world makes no demands on you. You can cook, be lazy, indulge in all sorts of decorative whimsies (cutting photos out from Time Out and pasting them on the walls of my room), upload photos on Facebook, and so on...
I guess I miss being alone. Talking to myself while traipsing across the room (and three large rooms here!). Blowing the dust off the gitobitan cover and opening a random page (and what delight to find a known, familiar song!) and singing till voice became hoarse. I remember not being able to sleep one night in Katwaria and singing through the night till dawn!

Days like this where i'm content knowing everyone's doing their stuff out in this busy world when I have all the time to sit writing a blog post while the immersion rod heats up my bucket of water...

PS: Nearly forgot I had fever. oh and rum in hot water with honey and lemon is yum! besides being a good substitute for paracetamol.


Magically Bored said...

The 'alone' days are the best. I love the days where I can just do some random cleaning, or reading, or even kick back and watch a movie, leaving my phone in the other room safely knowing no one is likely to call. Sadly, these days don't come very often so we need to cherish them when they do.

At a loss for a blogger handle said...

i LOVE living alone. most people seem to thing it freaky. or a compromise.